Thursday, December 8, 2011

Likes and Dislikes

2). What was your favorite thing about the class?  What was your least favorite thing about the class?  How can this class be improved?  Again, be specific.

My favorite thing about this class was never having to wake up early to physically go to the class, and that I could basically complete the assignments and tests on my own time. However, I did not like that there was a twelve hour gap between blog submissions because normally I wouldn’t be able to complete the assignments until the weekend, as other class filled up my time during the week. I would then end up finding myself waking up early, or submitting the assignments at random times on Fridays and Saturdays and feeling rushed, which is why I think that we shouldn’t have this 12 hour gap.  I also didn’t like that the days started on Sundays because I don’t want to start my workweek until Monday like my other classes. However, I do feel that if you keep the 12 hour gap, then you should start the workweek on Monday, so that we have all weekend to complete our assignments such as on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, without feeling rushed. I also didn’t like that once we’ve taken the test, we don’t get it back, so I don’t know what I’ve gotten wrong and what I need to improve on for the next test. Maybe by giving us the tests in an email with the answers, we may begin to learn where were making our mistakes and errors.


  1. Hello Gracie,

    I enjoyed reading your blog and I thought your words were very powerful, as in you got your point across very well. I agree that not having to physically go to class makes it easier on us. I found myself to be less stressed out about this class then all of my other classes. I also agree that it would have been nice to see what we got wrong on our tests. I feel that if I would have been able to see my mistakes, then that would have helped me better prepare for future tests. Anyways good post and good luck on finals!

  2. I also agree with what you liked about this class. I am so glad I did not have to physically attend this class because it was an online class. It made my schedule so empty because I had four classes including this class and it was all 3 unit classes. I also agree with the 12 hours gap because I would procrasinate sometimes and then I would panic and post a blog every 12 hours because I might not be able to make the post before 11:59 on Saturday. I feel like we should at least see what we got wrong on our test because what if we have the same question again and put the same answer. If we got it wrong the first time, we would get it wrong the second time. So I think we should have gotten our test back or at least see what we got wrong.
