Thursday, December 8, 2011


3). Pick one concept from throughout the semester that you feel can use further discussion.

I feel that the concept of casual reasoning should be further explained in our class discussion because this is one of the only concepts that I had to really do a lot of additional research on.  The website we were provided that was supposed to help us understand the concept had left me very confused at first, and so I went to other websites to fix this confusion. However, in the process I somehow got confused with some of the other websites as well, and this is evident in the blog I first posted on casual reasoning, as I accidently confused causal perceptions with casual reasoning. In other words, when I explained it to the class I gave a wrong example, as casual perceptions occurs when we make sense of why something occurs and casual reasoning means that everything has a cause and effect. When we know what the effects of certain causes are, we can either make things happen or prevent them from happening in our world from our reason. These are two very different things, and it wasn’t until reading other blogs did I realize that I made this error, and so I believe that this is a concept that should be better clarified.

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