Thursday, September 15, 2011

Complex Arguments

For each exercise below, analyze the structure by answering the following:

Argument? Yes.

My neighbor should be forced to get rid of all the cars in his yard. 1 People do not like living next door to such a mess. 2 He never drives any of them. 3 They all look old and beat up 4 and leak all over the place. 5 It is bad for the neighborhood, 6 and it will decrease property value. 7

Conclusion: My neighbor should be forced to get rid of all the cars in his yard.

Additional Premises needed?

My neighbor has a lot of old and beat up cars in his yard. a
They leak all over the place. 5.
There are many children that play in that neighborhood. b
They could be exposed to the leaking chemicals. c
Certain chemicals are bad for their health. d
Any bad chemical exposed to children is a threat to their health and should be taken away. e
My neighbor should be forced to get rid of all the old cars in his yard 1 because they leak certain chemicals and any chemical that is bad for a child’s health should be confiscated. f

Identify any subargument:

C and D support statement E. 5, C, D, and E yield F. You can delete sentence 6 and 7. Sentence 2 isn’t particularly necessary either, so you don’t need to include that.

Good Argument?
After reconstructing the argument, I believe that it has become an invalid strong argument. The conclusion is plausible to the premises because any chemical that isn’t good for a child’s health should be confiscated in their presence.  All of the premises link to support the conclusion making it a good argument.


I found this assignment to be somewhat of a challenge personally. After doing the assignment, I feel that I have a better understanding of how to make an argument stronger. You really have to make sure all your premises will link and support your final conclusion in order for the argument to be good and make sense! I feel like I could now more easily identify whether an argument is good or not after doing this assignment so it was definitely useful for me.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you broke the argument down and were able to catch the part that says the cars are leaking because it help you to add support by saying licking cars release chemical waste that is harmful to everyone especially children, pregnant and the elderly. Over all you did a great job. Although, I think sentence 2 does help because that sentence gives the reader the image of a messy yard instead of a front lawn with just cars. I do think there is no need for sentence 5 and 6 unless they are trying to build an argument everyone can connect to. Since not all people in that neighborhood have to care but the children or environment they could care about the effect on their house value.
