Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Biography :)

Hello Classmates! My name is Gracie and I am a Speech Pathology major and sophomore at San Jose State this year. I come from a small town in the valley of Northern California which is home to the smallest mountain range in the world. Since its almost three hours away from the school I have been living on campus since last year. Along with campus living, I am hoping to become apart of the Greek life and become more involved with the school.
I have had little experience in communication studies which is why I believe this class will be very beneficial for me to take.  My goals for the class are to be able to communicate well with all of you in this online atmosphere and to become a better critical thinker and problem solver. I also hope that after taking this class I will be able to identify and apply important communication skills to my every day life.

-Gracie :)

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